Prijava na e-novice
Prijavite se na e-novice in prejmite kupon za 10% popusta ob naslednjem naročilu.
Short description:
Puddles are there to be ridden through. But to avoid mud-caked children and the worst of the dirt, our practical SNAP Click-On mudguards are just the thing. Quick and easy to mount, they not only hug the radius of the tyres but also follow the contour of the sidewalls for optimal protection from splashing water.
Compatible with woom ORIGINAL models from November 2020 onwards
More info below.
Nika D. on 12/09/2022 |
Text: Preprosta namestitev in dobra zaščita, vsekakor priporočam kot dodatek. |
Nina U. K on 01/21/2022 |
Text: Vse tako kot mora biti in kot je to pri Woom izdelkih. Ravno prav dolgi, enostavna pritrditev in zelo uporabni, ker se mali kolesar ne more izognit lužam. |
Matej J. on 02/28/2021 |
Text: Blatniki se povsem enostavno namestijo in se dobro prilegajo kolesu. So kompaktni in ne ropotajo. Po obodu kolesa so dovolj dolgi in dobro ščitijo pred škropljenjem vode. |