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Headu game animal lotto

Price tax incl.: 19,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 15,99 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

A fun and easy game to get children playing together and putting animals into groups and finding their habitat. Each player recieves a habitat card and the cut-out animal cards should be placed, face down, on the table. The first person to get all 5 animals on their habitat wins.

Recommended for children 2-5 years.

Material: cardboard

Dimensions (packaging): 28,5 × 25 × 5,7 cm

More info


  • 6 habitat cards,
  • 30 cut-out animals,
  • the puzzle contains quality pieces suitable for small children.

The main intelligence

  • personal intelligence.

Skills that a child develops through play

  • suilding interpersonal relationships,
  • learning about animal groups and habitats,
  • achieving goals,
  • recognise shapes.

EAN: 8059591422847

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