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Short description:
Pipolo is a hilarious bluffing game. In order to win you must bluff with style!
Recommended for children aged 5 and up.
More information bellow.
The beautifully illustrated cards feature animals that are either hairy, naked, feathered or dressed. In order to win you have to know how to bluff with confidence.
The first player puts down a card face down and announces for example, that it is naked. The other players have to follow suit and place a naked card down. However, they all have a right to lie! The first person to finish with no cards is the winner.
A sturdy box will keep the cards neatly stored ready for the next time. Great family fun and perfect for travel or taking on long journeys.
Players: 2-4
Contains: 44 cards
Game duration: approx. 10mins
Dimension (box): 11.7 × 8.5 × 2.8 cm