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Short description:
Exploding Kittens are probably the most popular cats on the internet, which is not easy to achieve! A humorous fast-paced card game where every now and then a cat explodes in your hand, knocking you out of the game.
Authors: Matthew Inman, Shane Small and Elan Lee
Number of players: 2-5
Age: 7+
Playing time: 15 min
Difficulty: easy
Material: cardboard
Game type: competitive
Game description
Exploding Kittens is a humorous fast-paced card and cat game that took the world by storm years ago and held the record for the best-selling product on Kickstarter for a long time. It's a cat-powered version of Russian roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an Explosive Kitten and loses the game.
Game rules
In this card game, you make moves to tease your opponents or save yourself from defeat. You do this by playing pairs of identical cats, or by playing cards with special abilities that your teammates can block by playing "nope!" cards. The game continues until one of the players pulls an exploding kitty and cannot get rid of it in the same move. With the pile getting smaller and smaller, and the exploding kitten still missing, the tension builds more and more until... Boom!
For children and adults
Exploding Kittens is recommended for players looking for a light and super fun card game, and it's also great as a gift.
The Slovenian edition is completely translated (rules and cards) into Slovenian.