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Short description:
The Cruzee balance bike is extremely light and high-quality, and enables even toddlers to learn to drive. The high-quality and resistant materials used for its production give the balance bike durability and the possibility of long-term use.
It is suitable for children from 60 to 125 cm tall or roughly aged from 18 months to 5 years.
More information below.
Features and specifications:
Your child's first balance bike is an important milestone that marks the beginning of their journey to independence, confidence and new skills.
Built to last, the Cruzee is rust-resistant, puncture-resistant and free of dirty, greasy parts. Its anodized aluminum finish ensures that it remains visually appealing even after the inevitable bumps and scratches.
With exceptional size flexibility, the Cruzee grows with your child from approximately 18 months to 5 years, offering a perfect fit at all stages of learning.
Ultra light weight
Extremely light at 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs) means easier maneuverability, encouraging the youngest children to increase their confidence. Easy portability for you and your child.
The best fit
Designed to grow with your child, Cruzee has the widest possible size adjustability, with no tools required.
Built to last
Made of high quality aluminum alloy, skillfully welded by artisan TIG welders. The anodized aluminum finish is durable - it will never rust, chip or peel. Foam tires that will never go flat. Maintenance-free sealed bearings.
The ultra-lightweight design means your child is less likely to be injured or trapped if they fall. In addition, the low-profile axle screws protect against painful impacts to the ankles.
Take your Cruzee everywhere
It can be driven on any terrain, including beach sand, gravel, grass and snow, and will not damage or mark interior floor surfaces.
Cherish every moment
Experience a whole new world of adventure, fun and exercise. Cherish every moment as you watch your child's confidence grow. The transition to a balance bike will be faster and more natural as your child will master the balance and be able to focus on pedaling and steering.
Material: aluminum alloy