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Short description:
Soft, comfortable and stretchable, the Wrap, thanks to its quality material, stays in shape, even when carrying the baby throughout time. It is suitable for carrying newborns and premature-born babies. The babies weight distributes over your shoulders and back; due to its stretchabilty, you can regulate the tightness of the ''hug''.
More info below.
This elastic wrap enables you to carry your child high, near your centre, which makes the comfortable and your hands free.
The stretchy wraps imitate the environment of a womb and by rhytmicly bouncing the baby you keep him/her calm, cozy and warm. By carrying the baby in the Wrap, you can improve his/her sleep, help regulate their heart rate and body temperature, increase weight gain and reduce infant crying. The upright position will also help calm colic and reduce gas and reflux. The Wrap is also perfect for breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact, which encourages bonding between the baby and the parent.
The Boba Wrap enables an optimal support in a natural ergonomic position of your child in every stage. All of Bobas products received the ''Hip Healthy'' certification by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
Colour: Black
Suitable for children, aged: from birth up to 18 months
Maximum-bearing capacity: 3.2 kg-16 kg; most optimal from 3.2 kg to 9 kg
Possible positions: Carry the child only in an upright position, facing you (the person, who is carrying the child)
Material: 95% cotton, 5% spandex
Dimension: ca. 5 m
Universal size: For parents of all sizes-the intelligent fabric that enables a custom fit with a unique four-way stretch that will adjust to you and your baby.
Care: Clean locally with soap and water, wash in the machine only when extremely neccessary, with mild detergent and on program for sensitive clothing; dry on air.
Origin: Designed in USA, made in China.
How to wrap the Wrap:
Urška P. on 10/13/2019 |
Text: Zelo hitra dostava. Nestrpno smo čakali nanjo saj smo slišali same pohvale. tudi sami je ne moremo prehvaliti kako zelo udobna, zračna in uporabna je od novorojenčka naprej. |
Jasmina K. on 05/16/2018 |
Text: Naročeno sem dobila že naslednji dan,kar je super pohvalno.Z nosilko sem zadovoljna,saj imam proste roke,kar je tudi namen.Zavezovanja sem se navadila že takoj in tudi malčica je zaenkrat zadovoljna. |
Nataša P. on 07/30/2016 |
Text: Zaenkrat se šele navajam pravilne namestitve izdelka na telo, imam dvojčka zato sem se odločila za nakup tega izdelka, ki ga priporočajo mnogi uporabniki. Upam, da se bosta dvojčka rada nosila v nosilki. |
Nataša �. on 08/06/2015 |
Text: Super zadovoljna z izdelkom. Z njim lahko gremo vsepovsod, prirocen, mehek, prilagodljiv in varen. Poslali so ga v enem dnevu.. V glavnem super zadeva |
verena S. on 09/25/2014 |
Text: Doma imamo 2,5letnico in skoraj 2mesečno dojenčico in zato sem se odločila za nakup Boba wrap nosilke. Prvi dan sem se predvsem učila pravilne uporabe nosilke,tako da upam,da bomo kmalu obvladali in da se bo moja punčica rada nosila notri :) |