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Short description:
Trunki children's suitcases are innovative, fun and practical suitcases, which can also be pushers, on which the child can sit and push himself (or be pulled by others with a rope). Trunki children's suitcases are shaped like small animals, have integrated wheels, and handles in the shape of flowers, which the child can pull or push.
Recommended for children from 3 years of age.
More info below.
Dimensions: 46 cm x 30 cm x 21 cm, volume: 18 l,
Trunki children's suitcases are an indispensable friend of children either in the waiting room at the airport or at home.
Each Trunki baby carrier has a shoulder strap that allows the parent to carry the case over the shoulder, and 4 wheels provide stability when the child uses the case as a seat or means of transportation. Inside the Trunki children's suitcases you will find straps for attaching luggage, drawers. The interior of Trunki suitcases is as refined as the contents of adult suitcases.
Trunki suitcases for children also have a carrying handle, lock with a key and protect children from pinched fingers. With Trunki suitcases, children can put away (unpack) their toys in a fun way at home. You can even organize a Trunki race! Trunki children's suitcases are available in various designs. Trunki children's suitcases are classified as hand luggage at airports.