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Avevita reading rulers - a set of 5 reading rulers

Price tax incl.: 15,99  €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 15,99 €

Short description:

Reading rulers are intended to cover texts or the background, which makes reading easier.

Reading rulers:

- reduce the glare of the foundation,
- improve eye tracking ability,
- improve attention when reading.

The rules are suitable for all ages. They are suitable for use at home, school or work.

The set contains 5 reading rulers: red, green, blue, yellow and purple.

More info

Reading guides are helpful for people with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, autism, head injuries, attention problems and hyperactivity.

The surface of the ruler is divided into two parts. The narrower part is used for reading smaller fonts or for those readers whose attention span is weaker and easily get lost between the lines. Otherwise, the wider part is used, as it also enables a cursory review of the text that follows. The color ruler can also be used for underlining.

Reading rulers have a large surface and are made of hard foil. The protective film must be removed before first use.

Šifra: 95819

Reviews (9)

Ida G. on 10/29/2023
Text: Odličen pripomoček tudi za tiste, ki so prve korake v branju že prehodili (tudi za tretješolce).
Moji so navdušeni.

LP,Ida Grobelnik
Simona P. on 09/02/2023
Text: Tudi mi smo zadovoljni z nakupom. saj težko dobiš v navadni knjigarni.
Nataša K. on 12/08/2020
Text: Prav vesela sem bila, da jih v vaši trgovini prodajate, saj ta ravnila nimajo nobenih številk, ki otroka motijo pri branju. V knjigarnah namreč prodajajo le navadna ravnila.
Bojana L. on 01/27/2020
Text: Fajn je, ker so različne barve v kompletu, otroku vsekakor pomaga pri branju, dober začetek, da otrok dobi vsaj malo veselja do branja.... dostava je super....
Saša . B on 01/23/2020
Text: Super pripomoček za lažje branje. Ker je v kompletu več barv, smo lažje testirali katera odgovarja našemu korenjaku. So pa super motivacijski pripomoček za večje veselje pri vaji branja.
Stran: 12

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