Prijava na e-novice
Prijavite se na e-novice in prejmite kupon za 10% popusta ob naslednjem naročilu.
Obvestite me, ko bo na voljo
Short description:
Publisher: Djeco
Number of players: 2-5
Age: 6-10
Playing time: 30 min
Difficulty: very easy
Material: cardboard, wood
Game Type: competitive
More information below.
To be the first to win three rally rounds, or in other words obtain three car pieces.
How to play
Each player receives six cards. The rest make up the stack. Players take it in turns to play in a clockwise direction. The youngest player starts and throws the two dice. The sum of the two dice indicates the number of kilometres to be covered (for example: 3 + 6 = 9 km). The numbers on the cards represent a number of kilometres. Once you have thrown the dice, add and/or subtract the kilometres on your cards to obtain the required result. You may use one, two or at most three cards.
Vlasta R. on 03/23/2021 | |
Text: Zelo zanimiva in poučna igra. Zdaj ko je vnuk še mlajši vadimo samo seštevanje skozi igro, se pa definitivno da uporabit vse računske operacije. Kvalitetni material, simpatična embalaža in ilustracije na karticah. |