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Short description:
A larger version of the hugely popular Kokua Jumper balance bike! The frame and forks are made of quality aluminum, a unique anti-slip limiter and quality rear suspension improve handling and comfort. The height of the seat can be adjusted quickly with the help of a quick adjustment mechanism and allows a height range from 45 to 55 cm.
More information below.
In addition to a great frame, forks and suspension, the Jumper driver also boasts the iconic Schwalbe Big Apple inflatable 14-inch tires with reflective paint for added safety and extra puncture protection. The aluminum wheel hub is made using industry-standard, maintenance-free ball bearings, ensuring smooth and worry-free use. As with the standard model, this 14-inch Jumper is also available with two lengths of seat support, allowing the balance bike to really grow with your child. For the first time on a LIKEaBIKE the balance bike is also fitted with a brake on the rear wheel as standard.
Recommended for children from 3 years of age.
Technical characteristics: