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Djeco flute animambo

Price tax incl.: 14,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 11,99 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

A flute is a great gift for a little music enthusiast. With this colorful flute he will get to know music even more and develop his musical sense. It has beautiful colorful colors, and each hole is colored differently to make it easier to play.

Suitable from: 5+ years

Material: wood

Dimensions: 2 × 30 cm

Reviews (1)

Matej Z. on 10/15/2017
Text: Flavta je izredno lepih barv, s čudovitimi vzorci in dobro izdelavo. Zvok je lep in igrati preproste tone ni težko, vendar pa ima igranje zahtevnejših tonov precejšnjo težavnostno krivuljo.

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