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Headu Explore the Forest

Price tax incl.: 15,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 12,79 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

Stimulate scientific thought from a very early age! Assemble the puzzle, then carefully observe the illustration and discover the subjects in the forest. Like a real scientist note the individual discoveries on your wipe off cards. In addition, by using the “magic light torch” you can also observe what cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Recommended for children 5-10 years.

More info

Material: cardboard

Dimensions (packaging): 24.5 × 20.5 × 5.5 cm


  • Puzzle measuring 60 x 44 cm consisting of 70 pieces,
  • Write and erase special pen,
  • UV torch (runs on 3 AAA 1.5-V batteries, not included).


  • scientific method,
  • visual method,
  • discover an environment,
  • classification,
  • fine manual dexterity.

Main intelligence: Logical-mathematical intelligence

EAN: 8059591422304

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