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Janod Fairytales Magneti`Book

Price tax incl.: 19,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 19,99 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

This game with its cardboard pieces will transport children to fairytale kingdoms with its 30 magnetic parts and 10 template cards.This magnetic box includes a host of different magnetic items for kids to put together, according to the templates or any way they like! 

Suitable for children aged 3 and up.

Dimensions: 19 x 4 x 26 cm

Material: cardboard 

More info

Inside, you can use the magnetic board to build the fairytale scenes shown on the cards using the magnets provided. All the magnetic pieces are completely interchangeable, so kids can have hours of fun coming up with all sorts of crazy characters! Helps children develop their imagination and fine motor skills.

Šifra: J02588
EAN: 3700217325886

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