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Goki Dice Game Trains

Price tax incl.: 17,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 17,99 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

Roll your train! Up to 4 players compete to be the first to complete their train in this exciting dice game. The locomotive can be chosen freely at the start of the game - it determines the colour of the wagons to be rolled. 

Recommended for children from 2 years.
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Other game variations can be tried out. For example, the entire train could consist of different patterns on the trailers.

Typically goki: The wooden parts of the trains are of high quality and illustrated in a way that is suitable for children - this puts a smile on the faces of the players.

Dimensions: 20 x 15 x 5 cm

Material: wood

Šifra: 56759
EAN: 4013594567596

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