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Short description:
For most people, getting into the world of addition and subtraction is anything but easy. With this 100-piece calculation aid, calculation processes can be grasped in the truest sense and, above all, they can be seen. A basic understanding of the world of numbers is created playfully in a simple, intuitive way.
Recommended for children from the age of 4.
More info below.
With counting sticks, children get to know the basics of mathematics with all their senses. They learn rules and the first exercises not only theoretically, but can also put them to immediate practical use. The counting sticks come in attractive colours and are a highly aesthetic eye-catcher. The purpose of counting sticks Counting sticks are a classic aid for learning numbers and practicing simple arithmetic.
With the step counter sticks, size ratios and spatial thinking are conveyed to children of all ages. The colour sequence (rainbow) and a sense of colour are fostered. Perception, imagination, capacity for action and creativity are also promoted.
Number exercises are important for children to gain a firm understanding of numbers and in enabling them to apply their new skills almost without thinking. This develops later into a liking for numbers and the logic of mathematics. Elementary "counting" precedes calculation. The colour-coding of each stick is a great help.
The building blocks are 1 cm to 10 cm high. This makes their numerical ratio to each other visible.
Number of Parts: 100
Material: Wood
Dimensions (package): 27.5 × 27.5 × 11 cm