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Short description:
A board game that will provide crazy evenings full of laughter and tension! Your every move will be decisive, as you will always have to be alert in a game that resembles Russian roulette. Just one wrong move can trigger an explosion of the cat. It can be played independently or combined with other expansions of the Exploding Kittens game.
More info below.
Exploding Kittens is a fast-paced, fun cat themed card game that has taken the world by storm and long held the record for the best-selling product on Kickstarter. It's a cat version of Russian Roulette, where players take turns drawing cards until someone encounters an exploding kitten and is eliminated from the game.
Game Rules:
1. Unfold the game board and place the Godcat and Devilcat cards face up on it accordingly.
2. Eliminate all four Exploding Kitten cards and all six Defusing Cards. (The number of Defusing Cards is relative to the number of players. E.g. 5 players means 5 Defusing Cards). Defusing Cards are extremely powerful and are the only tool that can protect a player from exploding.
3. Shuffle the remaining deck of cards and deal seven cards face down to each player. Each player then adds another relief card to their deck, meaning each player has eight cards in their hand.
4. The deck from which you draw new cards must have one fewer Explosive Kittens than there are players. So if the game is played by four players, there must be three Explosive Kittens in the deck. Then shuffle the deck and place it face down in the middle of the table.
5. Choose a player order. The player who is first in line can discard any card and place it on the discard pile, or they can keep all of their cards. The next player's turn is when the previous player draws a new card.
Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an Explosive Kitten and is eliminated from the game. The remaining cards will determine various bonuses for the players that help you avoid an explosion. This process is repeated until only one player remains.
A game within the game (Armageddon):
A battle between good and evil! A game between two players!
The game starts when one of the players draws the Armageddon card. Godcat is the most powerful card, and Devilcat is a card that will immediately explode the player (if there is no relief card).
How to play this card?
Shuffle the cards and place the face-down Godcat and Devilcat cards in front of you and one of the other players, so that only you know which card is in front of whom. Without looking at the cards, your partner must decide whether to keep their card or exchange it for another. When they each have their cards, they turn them over at once. The one who has the Godcat card adds it to their pile. The player who landed with the Devilcat card must immediately place a relief card, otherwise they are out.
53 cards
1 Godcat card
1 Devilcat card
1 game mat
Authors: Matthew Inman, Shane Small and Elan Lee
Number of players: 2-5
Age: 7+
Playing time: 15 min
Difficulty: easy
Material: cardboard
Game type: competitive