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Smart games Magnetic travel game Penguins parade

Price tax incl.: 12,99 €

* Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 10,39 €

Trgovina Kakadu

Short description:

Mind play encourages concentration, logic, planning, and spatial orientation. The player places the pieces of the puzzle on the grid as indicated in the selected challenge. He then arranges the rest of the puzzle on the game board so that the 4 penguins end up in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, with no gaps between them.
Suitable for children from 5 years.
More info below.

More info

48 challenges of different levels of difficulty and solutions are included.

The game is packed in the form of a booklet that you can easily take with you on the road.

Dimensions: 16.4 x 1.6 x 16.4 cm.

Material: cardboard magnet.

Šifra: SGT260-8
EAN: 5414301518006

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